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Wiggle Room

8 April 2024

By Deb Crowley of Urbandale, Iowa, USA

There was not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold.

Acts 4:34

How I wish I could will the word “they” out of existence at times!

It’s so easy to love, share our resources with, sacrifice for, and extend grace to family members and extended family members. It’s not so difficult to expand our care to others in our sphere of influence, those whose faces we know and connect with. For the most part, we understand circumstances surrounding their choices and give folks near and dear to us some “wiggle room” or grace. Our hearts see the Christ in their eyes and hearts, and we understand they are loved unconditionally.

But do we ever notice, as the circle expands and faces become less visible, that it’s easier to judge or blame or criticize? It’s harder to see Christ in the eyes of a politician arguing a position with which we disagree on the Senate floor or become suspicious of decisions of church leaders struggling to decide how to keep the church financially viable while congregations struggle to keep their own doors open. Or see Christ in the eyes of a gun advocate when innocent children have been gunned down in school.

The further our circle widens and the harder it becomes to see Christ in the eyes of the “other,” the easier it is to label them as “they”! “They” are just caving in to big money; “they” do not empathize with our congregation’s situation; “they” are crazy to support gun ownership when so many innocent lives are lost! The “they” list goes on and on.

I’ve been (and probably continue to be) one of the “they”! And I’ve been one to label “they” when decisions seem unreasonable or disagreeable to me.

But we are reminded that in Christ’s realm, we do not live in a “they” world. It’s “us” and “we.” All are of worth; all are called; we are community. The love we have for our close circle of family and friends is the love Christ calls us to have for the “they” in our lives.

Experience of being a “they” has helped me tremendously to understand the importance of not jumping to quick conclusions, looking not just at one side or two of an issue, but as many sides as possible to get a clearer picture of another’s choices or actions.

To see Christ in the eyes of those we cannot see, but know Christ resides there; to show compassion to those who express harshness and hate; to generously share time, talent, treasure, testimony with those who seem to take and take and take; to sacrifice self for one who may never appreciate the act. To love the “they” in the world because all are God’s children. This is my prayer. Amen.

Prayer Phrase

“…my God turns my darkness into light” (Psalm 18:28).

Spiritual Practice


Close your eyes and become centered with your breath. As you breathe gently in and out, reflect on the statement, “The light of God is in all things.” The light has a bright, soft beauty and radiates God’s healing love. The light of God reaches you and permeates you with a deep sense of peace. Rest in the light as it surrounds and fills you. Thank God that you live in God’s light, and it lives in you.

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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