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Accepting God’s grace and generosity in the world and responding as faithful disciples is an ongoing journey.


God's Generosity

Seeing all of life as a gift from God is a choice. It’s a condition of the heart that recognizes that everything we have is a gift, a gift of grace that is freely given by a loving and generous God. Our generosity is a response of gratitude to this grace. Discovering and accepting God’s grace and generosity in the world and responding as faithful disciples is an ongoing journey - one we explore through the Generosity Cycle. When we fully receive God’s grace and generosity, every breath of our lives expresses gratitude to God, and we respond through whole-life stewardship of time, talent, treasure and testimony.


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Financial Updates

Access audited financial statements, budgets, and Financial Updates, as well as information on Worldwide Mission Tithes and Bridge of Hope.


Resolution 1314

World Conference Resolution 1314 reminds us that one way stewardship is expressed is through the spiritual practice of tithing.


Tithing is a spiritual practice that demonstrates willingness to offer every dimension of one’s life to God.  

Doctrine and Covenants 165:2d


Endowments support our mission for future generations of the church.


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